Sunday, July 27, 2008

its already hurting doing this to me.
why u still wanna chop me into pieces when u already stab my heart? can u let me even die in peace? now i am not in peace. i am in pieces. i fucking hate u god. where are u when i need u? i swear i want u to take me away. now!!! to god knows where but here! take me away!!


z said...

Darling chill sikit k?
Let me reason how God works.
It's ok if you don't want to read the portion ahead but I hope you do.

God is always there no matter you realise it or not. Sometimes it's not that He is not there for us, but He is always watching us what we are doing with our lives. God won't take you back dear unless you have fulfilled the plans He has for you whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not.

Anyways, I will always always keep you in prayer and I would love to talk to you over the phone. I tried calling you but I guess you were busy so yeah.

I'm really willing to "look after you", to care for you, to teach you more about who God really is and how he can work miraculously in our lives. If I have the answer, are you willing to listen? Take care k? *Hugs* <3 you always

Anonymous said...

God's ways are always perfect and at the right timing. sometimes things happen for a reason and GOD allows it to happen. the reason is because He wants to test our faith towards Him and that we are really surrendering our everything to Him.

we don't expect God to help us if we didn't put our full trust on Him. my meaning here is 100% completely trust on Him. when you're depending on your own, you are allow negative thoughts to flow in your mind.

those negative thoughts are not from you! remember, IT IS NOT FROM YOU, YOURSELF! you're allowing the devil to control you. once you have an open space for the devil, his plan of pulling you away from God is almost complete and make you totally thought that God is not there for us. THAT'S A LIE!

Satan and his devil are all out in this world. they are here to kill, steal and destroy us! its all stated in the bible, I'm not making up a story. the reason why they're here is to deceive and tempt us as much as possible so that we could not have a relationship with our Father in heaven.

BUT, we gain VICTORY through CHRIST that died for us. through HIS blood, WE ARE FREE! when we have this victory in our hand, THERE'S IS NO WAY A DEVIL CAN HARM US BECAUSE OUR SINS ARE UNDER THE BLOOD.

God need you to trust Him, not Him trusting you. all you have to do now is pray and ASK Jesus to cover you with His blood, renounce whatever negative thoughts in your mind and confess every wrong doings to Jesus. REMEMBER, HE'S ALWAYS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE YOU, because all of us are God's children.

God never intend to harm us. once you prayed that prayer, all you need to do is resists the devil now. you might still think about what has happen because the devil is constantly there to remind you of your past and failures.

lastly, remain faithful to God. He'll never leave us nor forsake us. He want us to trust in Him completely, that's all.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, actually God is there and God know what you are facing and don't blame God, I just wanna tell you that, is not God the one that cause us this kind of problem and we are the one that cause ourselves problem and God is there when you need Him just that you don't know, God know what you are facing and why you want God to bring you away? Do you mean die? Come on do you know how important is life to a person right now in the hospital and how important is life to people that sick such as cancer and so on, you should be glad that God still let you live this world, guess what? you're still living in this world is actually not by chance is by His purpose! Come on, cheer it up!

You may not know who am I, but I wanted you to understand God is not the one that causing us problem and trust Him, for He so love the world and He sent His only son to died for us on the cross and we should be thankful!

By the way, I don't know whether you get what I mean or not? But surely I will always keep you in my prayer.

God really do love you more than others! =)

Thank you for your precious time for reading it!

Anonymous said...

hey yea.

you may not know who I am but I can tell you, God is ever there for you. Serious, although God seems far from us, but HE is actually watching over you.

Sometimes, God allow things like problem happen to you. Why? Just to make your stronger each time.

Our G.O.D is B.I.G. He's bigger than everything u can imagine of, bigger than universe, the air we breath, T-rex dinasour and even your problem! He knows the number of hairs on you. Serious. He knows your need.

God sometimes allow problems to happen just to mould you to be a better person. He may seems not helping you out is because the TIMING is not right yet. His timing is the perfect one. Serious.

Let me tell you my experience.
I was once fell in love with a girl that always ponteng church and kinda far from God. I brought her back to church and be close to God as ever. After we on for nearly 2 months, we seperated bacause she fell for other guy and left me. I was like, why God allow that to happen?

Well, look on the other side, God allow it to happen so that she can get back to the FATHER, and so that I can be stronger guy. God heals me later on. He showed me HIS amazing and indescribable LOVE to me. And now, I'm ever closer to HIM again. Trust me, just TRUST GOD that everything is in order. He will heal you soon, maybe it's just not the time yet cause God's brain is beyond our wisdom. We sometimes don understand things that HE does. But I can assure you one thing, His plan is not to harm u but to give you more and bless you more each day.

It's all the lies of the devil that God is not there for you. Even the devils know that God is ever tehre for you but he lied.

Trust me, learn how to put everything and surrender everything to HIM. Trust HIM! He's love is ever there for you. Come back to the FATHER's arm. Say sorry to Him and He will forgive you. Who the SON (Jesus) sets free, is free indeed.

Just pray and rebuke the devil. Ask God for wisdom each day and God will surely bless you and protect you from all evil things.

Take care aite? God bless you.

Anonymous said...

hey june,
hmm..In case it comes out anonymous..its michelle.
The bible says..
In trials and temptation, count it all as joy.
because when u have a problem and u think u can handle it but actually u can..U have J-E-S-U-S,the one who truly loves beyond everything else.
And i know its hard..

But God's way are higher than your ways and God's thoughts are higher than your thoughts..

He said ' I'll never leave you nor forsake you.'
And I' believe He will never. He keeps his promise better than anyone else.

If you are tired, Stop focusing on your own strength but turn to God.
He asked us to
'Cast your cares upon me'

but always remember this..
God loves you for who you are..
Me too!!!!

Come back to ignite..WE MISSED YOU!

WaN HoE said...

walao banyak pila pala mana tong here -.-

great friends you have here, June ;)

Yin Ern said...

dont understand you..
i still see you in school everyday...



whatever happens...
i give you two words...


june said...

erm, eunice, my body might be in one piece, but my heart might now.. now i feel much better after talking to Rizey.. love u che! and yeah hiding my emotions is one of my strength perhaps? =]

june said...

to Rizey: my beloved che.. i think i replied ur comment in our phone call's conversation de.. =]hehe..
so yeah.. <3
thank u so much!

june said...

to whom it may concern:
umm.. i really sincerely thanking those left me such meaningful comments here though i might not know who u are as u did not leave any names.. sorry.. and yeah i read every single thing u've written.. thanks a lot.. hugs..

june said...

to Wan Hoe:
thanks! =]
apa pula pili pala tong? haha..

june said...

to Michelle:
i'll come whenever i can k? promise!
miss u guys so much.. miss u, Melanie, etc etc.. hehe.. but i get to see Janice in school still..haha